The Lockdown: Boon Or Curse?

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The Lockdown: Boon Or Curse?

The Lockdown: Boon Or Curse? Business Growth Support Advisory By - CS Shivani Vashistha

The secret to change is to focus all our energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new. These words hold immense meaning in this time of crisis which our world is going through. All started with a flu and caused havoc in coming future, the virus was called coronavirus. According to popular belief it came from a bat but other intellectuals beg to differ. To overcome and fight with the undefeatable enemy, governments and union of people chose to shut all things and reduce human contacts zero to none as this deadly virus is highly contagious, thus giving birth to the new era of living. The lockdown.

As all of us had gone through this phase of lockdown, we have witnessed the negative effects of the lockdown and as it is greatly said that every coin has two sides, thereby here we will throw light on the impact of lockdown on various sectors.

Commencing from the compliance sector, ministry of corporate affairs has served a number of relaxations for the companies. MCA has introduced CFSS and LLP settlement scheme for all the companies and LLPs who are struggling for a long time to complete the compliances which are due because of the high fees and penalties, these schemes has given these types of companies a new hope to comply with all the pending compliances and again commence their business with new ideas and strategies. Likely other relaxations for conduction board meeting, shareholder’s meeting, CSR funding etc. which has been provided to companies has helped them to again get on track and perform compliantly

The lockdown phase has introduced the work from home culture on a very vast scale, which has helped in reducing the human contact. Further it has helped women workforce in a very effective manner as now due to WFH facilities part time jobs and other work opportunities are very approachable for women who were sitting at home due to some personal reasons. Almost 70% of the companies has started allowing employees to work from home permanently it has led to favorable circumstances and multiple opportunities for women to restart their career while catering to their personal commitments

Further we can also feel with each one of our experience that lockdown phase has allowed us to look within us and deal with our own internal chaos which was earlier neglected due to the busy and chaotic schedule. Many of us has learned new skills, people from brushing up their cooking skills to learning other things have taken their “me” time which has helped them to rebuilt themselves to their greater self.

Lockdown phase has helped many retail vendors of groceries, vegetable and needs of daily life with most of them making huge profit by raising the price of the essential commodities, also the pharmaceuticals industries has taken a great leap as people has started their business of sanitizers, mask gloves, PPE Kit etc. Which helps economy as well as people.

So, it depends on us whether we consider it as a boon or curse, as we need to always keep in mind that whatever happens, happens for a reason. Here we just want to find the reason and work towards it since life itself is a boon.

For any assistance or query or guidance, write us at

CS Shivani Vashistha

Company Secretary, Sharma & Pagaria, Chartered Accountants, Bengaluru

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